
All the texts by the various authors have been published before.
 They are being reproduced here with the kind permission of the authors.
Wouter Prins is curator of 'The Museum of Religious Art' in Uden in The Netherlands.
 He is the author of a huge body of published texts on the varying relations between art,
 both classical and modern, on the one hand and christian religion and theology on the other.


'Rodeo Calvary!' has been published in: 'Rinke Nijburg - Piercing the Spirits, A Cosmology in 
 144.000 Images', Harderwijk, The Netherlands, 2005, pp. 46-57.


Erik Bos is the owner of Gallery Nouvelles Images in The Hague in The Netherlands. 
 He studied English Language and Literature at the Catholic University Nijmegen in 
 The Netherlands. 


The interview ‘Tussen kruinen in het oosten en ruiters in het westen’ with the artist 
 Rinke Nijburg dates from the period December 2012 untill January 2013 and was first 
 published in the monography 'Rinke Nijburg, Slaapwandelaars en zielverwanten.' The 
 monography accompanied the exhibition 'Schlafwandler und Seelentiere' in Stadtmuseum 
 Borken in Germany. The exhibition took place from February 17th untill April 21st 2013. 
 This interview has not been translated into English.


J.J.Hermsen (1961) is a Dutch writer and philosopher, who studied art & philosophy in Paris
 and now lives and works in Amsterdam. She has published four novels, Het dameoffer (1998), 
 the story of a daughter looking for her lost parents, Tweeduister (2001), a historical novel
 on the Bloomsburygroup, (Virginia Woolf and Vivienne & T.S. Eliot), De profielschets (2004),
 a campus novel and satire on academic philosophical life and De liefde dus (2008), a novel 
 on the 18th century writer and philosopher Belle van Zuylen (Mme de Charrière).  
 She has also published several collections of essays on contemporary philosophy (Sarah 
 Kofman, Gilles Deleuze, Henri Bergson, Maurice Blanchot, Hannah Arendt a.o.), modern art 
 & literature. Among her international publications there is a book on Hannah Arendt, The 
 Judge & the Spectator. Hannah Arendts Political Philosophy (Peeters, 1999), which she edited
 together with Dana Vila, and Sharing the difference. (Routledge 1992), which she edited 
 together with Alkeline van Lenning. Also, her second novel Tweeduister, has been translated
 into German, under the title Die Gärten of Bloomsbury (Luebbe Verlag 2004). 


'Homesick for a Yellow Roof' has been published in: 'Rinke Nijburg - Piercing the Spirits, 
  A Cosmology in 144.000 Images', Harderwijk, The Netherlands, 2005, pp. 154-165.

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